Monday, March 9, 2009

A reply to the "Petition Against High Bus Fares to Poly Students"

This topic has never failed to make me chortle within myself.

I see endless pages of argument between Poly Students and JC students in Singapore over the unequality of bus fares. JC students would pay the students' concessionary fare while Polytechnic students are subject to paying the bus fares.

What amuses me is actually how poorly this subject has been going on. I see much talk with no real work done, that is. Polytechnic students are typically complaining and JC students are just justifying the LTA's motions.

I have one thing to say: When arguing, base your arguments on a basis where everyone can relate to each other. As such, there shouldn't be long winded tussles over "You don't understand me" issues. (This applies to your relationship too, if you have any)

A nation is defined as a group of people who have similar interests and goals. In Singapore, these interests can be found within the National Pledge. I highlight this part in italics below.

We, the citizens of Singapore
Pledge ourselves as one united people
Regardless of race, language or religion
To build a democratic society
Based on justice and equality
So as to achieve happiness
Prosperity and progress to our nation

Here is the highlighted part, in case you missed it:

To build a democratic society
Based on justice and equality

To be a nation as described above one needs justice and equality. This can be applied to the bus fare issues based on this sentence which i know Singaporean students drone on each school day without taking in account of what is actually meant.

I have a proposition:

All students receiving tertiary education in Singapore should have 4 concessionary bus trips each school day, and this is used to go to school and return home from school. Anything more and the student is to be charged adult fare.

Extra concessions bought at bus interchanges or MRT should not have a significant price difference and I recommend that Poly students pay 15% more than JC students.


Oh, and for the JC students who argued at these forums please be noted that:

1) Our school fees are heck a lot more than yours and that's why we do mind paying more for something over a basic necessity.

2) Yes, we have no uniforms and it is true it is easier for us to go out and have more fun, but please note: We are nevertheless in a learning institution and we do have exams and grades to worry about too.

3) We also will have to drop a course if we do poorly in school.

4) What do you mean (Fawwaz from the Facebook forums) JC students have no lax in discipline? Is that not an implication that Poly students always bend the rule? We are human, please, and no matter how hard you try, you can never have a completely perfect or a dysfunctional society.


BH said...

I've always wondered what's the official reason why Poly students have different bus fares from us JC students. What is it anyway :P

As for you proposition, why should Poly students pay 15% more than JC students?

Szuj Dzsenerisz said...

Because I calculated that 20% is too much... :p