Monday, May 26, 2008

Just One More Week...

to go before I leave for my trek across the Middle Eastern core.

For any of you who are wondering how am I coping with serious culture shock and other stuff (which includes the crazy amount of E Math homework we have) this are the stuff I'm doing.

1. Psycho myself by believing Singapore is not hot (the Middle East is hotter)
2. Get proper visa and making sure that I have clearance to all of my destinations.
3. Rilek a little.
4. Have an open mind towards Middle eastern culture
5. Get hore riding lessons since I'm riding a horse across the desert to Petra
6. Finish my E Math homework in no particular order (jkjk)

For this trip, I have many typical responses such as "This is your 'O' Level year what..." (quoted from Glenn Wong) and let's make it clear. I believe in absolute continuity and look long term. 'O' Levels in my opinion is a 2 month matter (which doesn't mean I don't care) as compared to the many years I spend on the face of this Earth, which I believe I have addressed the serious issue of the lack of knowledge of it 2 posts ago.

Along my way, I'll take photos with my handphone and upload them during my trip (hopefully Internet cafes are cheap in all my destinations). At the end of my trip, I will create a movie with no words that focuses on Middle Eastern mysticism. So watch out next week for them!

If you have realised, the Antarctican dollar has appreciated in respect to the Singapore dollar, now that it is at a rate of S$29.65 per A$1.

Time to get started on indices...

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