Sunday, August 24, 2008

What do you look for when seeking a companion of the opposite sex? (Version for Guys)

Enough with exams stuff already. I was faced with this question by a friend of mine, and here are the answers.

1. Wants you to do everything for her/Independant-minded

VERDICT: Definitely independant minded. So as such you won't see me carrying my partner's handbag/shopping/polishing her shoes/helping her deciding what to wear, etc. Hey, we are endowed with brains, you know.

2. Brains / Beauty

VERDICT: This is really difficult. But brains first, beauty a bonus.

3. Family-oriented / Career-oriented

VERDICT: I find that at some point in life, a woman's biological clock will make her want to have kids. As for me, 1 or 2 is enough. So, I don't mind either.

4. Inter-religious / Same religion

VERDICT: Same religion definitely a plus. There is better understanding, and raising children in future won't be so difficult as it's easier to agree on the child's upbringing

5. Inter-racial / Same race

VERDICT: I sit on the fence for this. I just happen to open to fate here.

6. Same interests / Don't mind differing interests

VERDICT: I would like to befriend a person of similar interest, of course. That way, there will be no boring monologues, etc. etc.

7. Wealthy / Not so well off

VERDICT: Imagine having a wealthy companion. Sharing the load will be so much easier. Of course I will have to be independant on my part

8. University Graduate / Not a university graduate

VERDICT: In my opinion, knowledge is not justified on a piece of paper (or what some call a 'degree'). I look for sensibility, so I really don't mind if she isn't a graduate.

9. Superior / Inferior

VERDICT: I sit on the fence for this. As always, all I want is someone sensible with a principle (not principal, like a Sophie i know) in life.

Friday, August 22, 2008

How I would Tackle the essays in Our Prelims


1c) With reference to examples(s) evaluate the effectiveness of the possible measures that can help cope with the destructive effects caused by plate movements

I would write this in the two sets method. The first set would have the criteria of BEFORE and the second set would have the criteria of AFTER.


2c) With reference to example(s), assess the effectiveness of measures in managing floods

Use the three point method here. You may choose any three points given in the answer key to our specimen paper.


3d) With reference to example(s), assess the effectiveness of the methods used to manage deforestation

Again, use the three point method here. Materials in Specimen Paper answer key is generally effective and you need some pre-exam research for this one.


4c) Using examples such as the coastal management measures utilized in Photograph A and B, assess the effectiveness of such coastal management measures in protecting coastlines from erosion

This is rather lengthy, so let's break it down: You can actually use OTHER measures than reflected in Photograph A (Seawall) or B (Planting vegetation) because the question reads "Using exaples SUCH AS..." rather than phrased "Using the coastal management measures utilized..." As such, you can use other stuff as well.

However, this is a bonus. You can use two sets (SEAWALL and VEGETATION) or three points.



1d) "Food can be engineered to prevent disease" To what extent, is "engineered food" the cure for disease?

This is rather straightforward, clear cut and upfront (hem hem). Two sets rule (YES or NO) will do the trick. Oh, and having good general knowledge and common sense is a bonus. This is similar to history essays as well.


2d) Listed below are testimonials from clients at the Bangalore Tech Park.

"ITPB is a Tech Park of international standards yet distinctly unique. It has created and more importantly maintains an environment which comprehensively caters to the high standards, both professional and personal, demanded by its clients." -Mr. Ramesh Kumar S.

"Excellent office space, well-run with responsive management and quick remedy to problems and issues." -Ms. Shobhua Nikam

Using the information from the quotations above and your own knowledge, evaluate the factors which have led to the growth of Bangalore as a Tech Park in India

(This took me forever to copy...) Two sets rule is best for this application. the 2 criterias would be WHAT IS GIVEN and WHAT I ALREADY KNOW. After all, the question did say "...from the quotations above AND your own knowledge" (stress inserted)


3d) Assess the impacts of tourism on the economy and the environment with reference to exaples you have studied.

Again, two sets rule, labelled ON ECONOMY and ON ENVIRONMENT

4c) With reference to example(s), state and explain why some developing countries in Asia experience difficulties in improving the quality of life for their people?

Best use 3 point rule, and have some common sense and good knowledge armed for this one.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Geography Essay Tips for Students Taking the New O-Level Syallabus

I have looked at various answer keys and have finally come up with a way to write your answers in recognisable order that will please the examiners. However, you must also carry out your pre-exam research.

Pre-exam research stage
  • Decide what you're going to concentrate or write on. (This is easy for Physical Geography because questions rarely change completely).
  • Familiarise with pros and cons regarding the very subject itself. For example, you can say seawalls are effective at deflecting and absorbing energy from incoming waves but are expensive and require regular maintainance.
  • Find examples of pros and cons on the Internet or by reading up travel guides. Travel guides are full of examples or everyday stuff. For example, from reading a travel guide alone, I know that Pondicherry was spared by the 2004 tsunami thanks to a well-built seawall. From the internet, I discover that seawall failures in the Bahamas was caused by rapid erosion of the base leading to collapse, an epitome of poor construction.

Now that you have gathered facts and examples, time to look at the essay writing stage.

Writing the essay

There are two ways to tackle the essay writing part. There is the three point method and the two sets method.

The three point method is where you come up with three points and a conclusion, similar to a History essay. There is a systematic way of writing a three point essay. I will outline the steps below.


Write an introduction describing your three points.

1st Paragraph: Write your Point followed by its purpose and benefits (ie why is it a significant point) [P]. Write an Example of the point acheiving its purpose [E]. Next write some Limitations on your point [L]. Then write an Example of such a limitation happening [E].

(To remember this is actually easy for fans of FC Internazionale-Milan or Portugusese footballers. Just remember PELE)

2nd and 3rd paragraphs: Similar to first paragraph.

Statement to link every thing here.


The two sets method is used for comparison. For example, to get maximum marks for an essay regarding measures taken during an earthquake, you need to write BEFORE (such as structural engineering) and AFTER (such as rescue) measures. Below is a walkthrough on this.


Write an introduction stating your two sets of points here.

1st paragraph: Write your CRITERIA for the first set of points here. Thene PELE various points under the first set criteria.

2nd paragraph: Similar to first set.

Statement to link here


I have a sample of PELE at work here (the method, not the footballer).

Seawalls are structures built parallel to the coast attached on the coast itself to deflect and absorb energy from incoming waves [P]. This measure is seen especially effective at places like Pondicherry where it reduced damage done to the town when the 2004 tsunami struck. There was minimal erosion of the banks as compared to other neighbouring towns [E]. However, seawalls are expensive to build and require regular maintainance as erosion actually occurs at the base of the seawall. As such, they are particularly prone to poor engineering. This can be seen when the seawll along Caves Point in the Bahamas collapsed when the base eroded so badly due to poor engineering and maintainance, and the seawall collapsed.

(Please do not memorise or copy this. I have no guarantee that this will fetch full marks, but it should according to the Answer Key. Anyway, I will be on the lookout for those copying this so beware)

I hope this clears your essay writing doubts. Good luck for the students taking the new syllabus for Geography for 'O'-Levels!

{DISCLAIMER: Please attempt this steps at your own risk. I do not hold any responsibilities if anything undesirable happens. I have tried to match the steps as closely to requirements of the Answer Key as far as I can. If anyone wants to raise an issue, please reply via the ChatBox}

A Word on Handwriting, Spelling and Grammar

I have recently read the article on the Straits Times on bad handwritng among students. Here is an online adaptation of the article:

Handwriting is extremely important. It makes sure our thoughts and ideas are well conveyed. In the world of spell- and grammar-checks, more and more teenagers are prone to bad handwriting, spelling and grammar. The absence of penmanship lessons in school, coupled with no penalties on errors in spelling or grammar in non-language related examinations has led to poor language usage and perpetually illegible handwriting.

Here are some examples of poor spelling (obviously, getting samples of bad handwriting would be humiliating)

1. I had a friend who doesn't see anything wrong with the words "vechile", "freind", and "speeling"

2. I had teachers (I assure you they are no Americans) that habitually spells words like "color", "traveler" and "gray"

3. I bet very few teenagers (and some adults alike) see the mistakes in words like "curb" (the roadside object), "licorice", "percent" and "skeptic".

For number 3, it would seem alright in the eyes of an American, but let's face it, British English is much more accepted and people always use the "American" excuse for bad spelling. Let's face it people, ENGlish is from ENGland, for crying out loud!

Returning to the topic of handwriting. Are doctors actually the olny ones excused for the behaviour of bad writing?

The answer: NO

Statistics show that the doctor's spidery scrawl has cost 7000 lives each year, and in America alone, 1.5 million people actually developed complications due to wrong dosages. Of course, it is also part of the phamacists fault not to ring the doctor and double-check, but the root of the problem still lies in bad handwriting.

Personally, I have been through doctors that do have atrocious handwritings. I was thinking, 'do medical schools have an adverse effect on handwriting, or is it doctors mentality of "I am a doctor and people should respect me, why would I care if they can't read my writing?"'

I certainly hope it's not my second thought that is the reality.

Monday, August 11, 2008

سلام ۲

السلام عليكم

غدا عندي الفصل الموسيقى. لا أمكن إخر! نحن درسنا موسيقى حايدن، مؤلف من المانية. أحيب استمع إلى سيمفونية ١.٤ ذلك، تلك الجميلة.

الامتحاني يجيء، لو سمحت دعا إلى الله إكراما لي! شكرا

Sunday, August 10, 2008


أحيب أكتب إلى العربية

Thursday, August 7, 2008


A new law has been passed.

Visitors to the closed territories (i.e. Savarnadvipa and the environs) who have visited Shelford Road within the past 6 months need a Letter of Invitation. To apply for it, simply register at Cardo Maxima, Avenidas Cardo Maxima (Humanities Room 1). The Letter will be processed in 1 week. This letter is valid for 3 visits.

Long term visa holders who visits Shelford Road will have their visas disqualified and need to apply for a new one. Study permit holders will have no effect visiting Shelford Road.

This new ruling is due to opening of diplomatic ties with the neighbouring kingdom. Please note that this is vulnerable to change. Visitors will still be checked thoroughly if they have any evidence of visiting the abovementioned place.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Road Map of Life

They say if you have passion in something, you do that thing really well and can even excel.

So, how do we get around life doing something we really like? Here are some questions that you can ask yourself.

1. What is my purpose in life?
This is really intriguing. If you'd realise, some people have really different answers than yours, and your reaction to such answers can be, well, like, What? Seriously though, this is a catalyst for knowing what you really want. Think through this question. It doesn't really matter if you have multiple purposes.

2. What can /must I do for myself?
This question aims for you to realise what you are willing and unwilling to do to achieve whatever you have answered in the first question. If you don't have an answer for this one, maybe your answer in the first question isn't really for you. Try digging deeper into yourself, look for passions and talents you have.

3. What can others do for me?
It is impossible for you to do everything yourself. Get help from someone close to you: friends, family, etc.

4. What do I do from now?
Do some research. Match what you want to do with something that appeals you. Remember, the keyword is NOW.

And, once you've done asking yourself the above, it's time to get cracking! Do what you like, and don't care what others say, who cares about 'em anyway.

P.S. I learned an interesting Chinese phrase: 旮旮旯旯儿