Friday, August 22, 2008

How I would Tackle the essays in Our Prelims


1c) With reference to examples(s) evaluate the effectiveness of the possible measures that can help cope with the destructive effects caused by plate movements

I would write this in the two sets method. The first set would have the criteria of BEFORE and the second set would have the criteria of AFTER.


2c) With reference to example(s), assess the effectiveness of measures in managing floods

Use the three point method here. You may choose any three points given in the answer key to our specimen paper.


3d) With reference to example(s), assess the effectiveness of the methods used to manage deforestation

Again, use the three point method here. Materials in Specimen Paper answer key is generally effective and you need some pre-exam research for this one.


4c) Using examples such as the coastal management measures utilized in Photograph A and B, assess the effectiveness of such coastal management measures in protecting coastlines from erosion

This is rather lengthy, so let's break it down: You can actually use OTHER measures than reflected in Photograph A (Seawall) or B (Planting vegetation) because the question reads "Using exaples SUCH AS..." rather than phrased "Using the coastal management measures utilized..." As such, you can use other stuff as well.

However, this is a bonus. You can use two sets (SEAWALL and VEGETATION) or three points.



1d) "Food can be engineered to prevent disease" To what extent, is "engineered food" the cure for disease?

This is rather straightforward, clear cut and upfront (hem hem). Two sets rule (YES or NO) will do the trick. Oh, and having good general knowledge and common sense is a bonus. This is similar to history essays as well.


2d) Listed below are testimonials from clients at the Bangalore Tech Park.

"ITPB is a Tech Park of international standards yet distinctly unique. It has created and more importantly maintains an environment which comprehensively caters to the high standards, both professional and personal, demanded by its clients." -Mr. Ramesh Kumar S.

"Excellent office space, well-run with responsive management and quick remedy to problems and issues." -Ms. Shobhua Nikam

Using the information from the quotations above and your own knowledge, evaluate the factors which have led to the growth of Bangalore as a Tech Park in India

(This took me forever to copy...) Two sets rule is best for this application. the 2 criterias would be WHAT IS GIVEN and WHAT I ALREADY KNOW. After all, the question did say "...from the quotations above AND your own knowledge" (stress inserted)


3d) Assess the impacts of tourism on the economy and the environment with reference to exaples you have studied.

Again, two sets rule, labelled ON ECONOMY and ON ENVIRONMENT

4c) With reference to example(s), state and explain why some developing countries in Asia experience difficulties in improving the quality of life for their people?

Best use 3 point rule, and have some common sense and good knowledge armed for this one.


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