Sunday, August 24, 2008

What do you look for when seeking a companion of the opposite sex? (Version for Guys)

Enough with exams stuff already. I was faced with this question by a friend of mine, and here are the answers.

1. Wants you to do everything for her/Independant-minded

VERDICT: Definitely independant minded. So as such you won't see me carrying my partner's handbag/shopping/polishing her shoes/helping her deciding what to wear, etc. Hey, we are endowed with brains, you know.

2. Brains / Beauty

VERDICT: This is really difficult. But brains first, beauty a bonus.

3. Family-oriented / Career-oriented

VERDICT: I find that at some point in life, a woman's biological clock will make her want to have kids. As for me, 1 or 2 is enough. So, I don't mind either.

4. Inter-religious / Same religion

VERDICT: Same religion definitely a plus. There is better understanding, and raising children in future won't be so difficult as it's easier to agree on the child's upbringing

5. Inter-racial / Same race

VERDICT: I sit on the fence for this. I just happen to open to fate here.

6. Same interests / Don't mind differing interests

VERDICT: I would like to befriend a person of similar interest, of course. That way, there will be no boring monologues, etc. etc.

7. Wealthy / Not so well off

VERDICT: Imagine having a wealthy companion. Sharing the load will be so much easier. Of course I will have to be independant on my part

8. University Graduate / Not a university graduate

VERDICT: In my opinion, knowledge is not justified on a piece of paper (or what some call a 'degree'). I look for sensibility, so I really don't mind if she isn't a graduate.

9. Superior / Inferior

VERDICT: I sit on the fence for this. As always, all I want is someone sensible with a principle (not principal, like a Sophie i know) in life.

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