Wednesday, October 15, 2008

8 Things I learnt today

1. It's fun to make sodium ethanoate

2. Sodium ethanoate stinks

3. Never make sodium ethanoate in your mother's kitchen, she'll smell a rat (more like sodium ethanoate)

4. Never tell your mother you decide to cook something and accidentally poured the ethanoic acid all over the sodium hydogencarbonate -- she'll never fall for it. Seriously.

5. Your mother WILL wonder where all her vinegar (source of ethanoic acid) and bicarbonate of soda (source of sodium hydrogencarbonate) went.

6. She'll wonder why is the a funny white powdery substance in her favourite pot.

7. Your mother will make you wash the pans, but:-

8. You are just in time to rush off for your music lesson and if you don't leave then, you'll be late

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